Creating a Sustainable Future for Australian Aviation

Project Ulysses

Jet Zero Australia's flagship project is named after the North Queensland Butterfly, Project Ulysses.

Jet Zero Australia is developing a $600 million Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and Renewable Diesel (RD) project in North Queensland’s Townsville State Development Area. This first of a kind project will convert bioethanol from domestic agricultural by-products into sustainable fuels.

Find out more about our first exciting project here.

Project Mandala

Jet Zero Australia's second major project is a joint venture partnership with Singaporean company Apeiron Bioenergy.

This partnership’s aim is developing low carbon intensity feedstocks in Australia to help meet the demand for renewable fuels, including the sourcing of waste oils and production of non-edible crops for Hydrotreated Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production.

Find out more about our first exciting project here.

More coming soon. Stay tuned for the latest updates.