Forbes Australia: Sustainable aviation vision takes flight as Jet Zero strikes new fuel deal

Ed Mason has jumbo-jet-sized ambitions.

“Beyond the purpose of decarbonising aviation – a big emitter of CO2 accounting for 3% of all emissions worldwide – by developing Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in Northern Australia we’re offering new skilled employment, fuel security, and renewable energy. If we don’t act,  we will be importing the fuel instead in years to come from countries that are acting on the opportunity,” says Mason.

Setting up the Project Ulysses plant in Townsville that can convert ethanol derived from wheat and sugarcane to more than 100 million litres of SAF annually, is a herculean task that is close to his heart.

“I have a family home in Far North Queensland and spend a lot of time up there,” says Mason.

The genesis for the idea to create an industry from agricultural by-products began as a way to ignite innovation and economic development in FNQ.

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